Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thank you Message from 2X Sri Chinmoy 3100 Mile Race Finisher Harita Davies

Thank You for following My Journey to 3100 Miles

Dear Friends,

I do not know most of you, but I would like to thank you all so so much for your
support of my 3100 mile race this year!

Many of you sent me messages, which helped more than you can imagine, and I
know a lot of you were watching and offering your support in other ways- believe
me, it helped!

Taking part in this race is an experience that is hard to fathom while you are
doing it and impossible to fathom once it is over!

How is it possible? A combination of mostly God’s Grace, finding access to the
unlimited capacity we all have within ourselves, some physical training, and the
oneness-support and heart-felt self-offering of many, many people! You are one
of those people, so thank you!!!

I sincerely hope that from taking part in this race I can continue to grow and
become a better person, and that I can inspire others to have the courage and
confidence to challenge themselves in some way which enables them to discover
their own inner source of unending strength and fulfillment. In this way, we can all
try to make the world a happier and better place, by starting with ourselves!!!

In the words of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race Founder, Sri Chinmoy,
We are all citizens of the world. If I can inspire others, and if they can inspire the
rest of the world, then we can have a better world. It is by virtue of inspiration that
we can do good things for mankind. We are all longing for peace, peace, peace.
And I feel it is our inner strength that will be able to give us peace. Inner strength
is nothing other than oneness, universal oneness.
Sri Chinmoy, The inner meaning of sport, Agni Press, 2007

All my gratitude,

1 comment:

  1. Great job Harita! Thank you so much Yolanda for sharing. I am already motivated.
