Cyndie is MM#90 from Oregon. Our paths crossed back in July at Foot Traffic Flat Marathon in Portland. Good seeing you again Cyndie...

WOW!!! I saw Moses at the Santa Rosa Marathon. Moses is 78 years young! Moses you look 58! When I grow up I want to be like Moses!!!

Mr. Larry Macon is also running 4 marathons in 4 states in 3 days. You're my inspiration Larry. Remember Gail a few months back. Gail was running her first double. Gail has marathon fever. Gail is running a triple this weekend. You go Gail!

I love Southern California. Where else can you find yoga on the beach and boot camp on the beach. Life's a beach in Southern California.

The way you see yourself has a lasting impact on your life. When you consider yourself worthy of achieving your'll become who you want to be. you'll see yourself as confident and capable, and you'll follow a different path- because you now see yourself walking toward success. We don't always realize the full impact of our thoughts - how far they reach or how they truly affect us and our goals. See yourself in this brand-new light. Think you can - and you will. Do all you can to become everything you want to be.
-Barbara J. Hall-
Keep Believing in yourself and your dreams!
Yolanda "Walking Diva"
Great to see you!! Keep on movin' forward. Hope to see you again soon. -- Cyndie