Meet Intisar from North Carolina...This amazing woman has a heart larger than the state of North Carolina!!! Not only is she smart but she's pretty too!
I am what I am
I am a special education teacher, a middle child and a lifelong learner. Growing up I was the one trying to find where she fits in, in a family of amazing dancers, siblings who I considered geniuses, and over achievers. Then there was me; the child struggling in school, the one who had to work twice as hard in order to keep up. I even had to go through the embarrassment of night school. I was never good at anything I am and still not good at anything.
I am what I am
I am an aspiring principal in an ever-changing educational environment in one of the largest school districts in North Carolina. During the day I am a lover of literature and enjoy exposing my students to it. I am a disciplinarian, referral writing, behavior-changing, reward giving, consequence taking teacher day in and day out. When my classroom door is closed I am trying to connect and make relevant historical and literary concepts to my students. With the hopes that eventually they will want to make a permanent change in their lives. Exposure to these concepts will hopefully get them to realize that they are not the only people who have experienced hardship, tragedy or disabilities. But despite these circumstances people can achieve greatness and they can too. Thus, I am a young person trying to help others overcome their circumstances in a changing society.

I am what I am
I am a jogger,walker, runner, 5ker, half marathoner, and marathoner. With tennis shoes, tights and iPod I am free to think what I want, sing the way I want, and run the way I want. I am what I am. I ran track in high school but never won anything. August 2010, was my first race over a 5k. And, needless to say I have a lot more respect for people who dare show up and to run half marathons and marathons. My 61-year-old father inspires me to show up. Running marathons and half marathons was always on my bucket list and probably would still be there if it was for him.

It is what it is
However now I love it and can't see myself doing anything else. It is an amazing feeling to wake up extremely early, place the bib number on, grab my water pack, and lace up my shoes. I am one of those runners who must use the port-of-john once maybe twice prior to the race so an early race arrival is essential for me.
It is what it is
Then when I get to the starting line, I get in a zone. I am humble with the opportunity that has been placed before me. I realize that everyone is not capable to show up on race day whether their struggle is financial, physical or mental. It takes a lot to show up. Even though I have perfected showing up my goal is to improve my performance and strengthen myself with better training. I am still trying to find my road to greatness.

I am what I am
I am a yoga stretching, weightlifting, kick-boxing extremist whenever I can be. I workout to release the stress of my day. I workout to stay in my skinny jeans. I workout so I can eat what I want to eat. I workout so I can keep my happy.
I am what I am!
I am Half Fanatic member 774